Benefits Of Full Body Massage

Full body massage can produce multiple benefits for your health. These benefits go far beyond an hour spent relaxing quietly, escaping the day. An increasing amount of evidence indicates that stress and tension form the root causes of many diseases and illnesses.

Colon Cleansing And You

Let’s get right to it! Your colon is a tube-like structure that runs down to your anus from the stomach. It consists of the large intestine and small intestine. As you consume food and liquids, these items accumulate in the bowel as

Beat Bad Eating Habits

The first step is to brace yourself for the challenge; it goes without saying that bad habits are hard to break. When you’re trying to eliminate something that has become a part of your life, you’re bound to encounter resistance and see

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

There can be a tendency for Yoga practitioners and students to feel discouraged when a naturally gifted dancer, gymnast, martial artist, or even long-time yogi, performs an advanced asana with little effort. Instead of feeling envious and inadequate, you should send praise.

Reduce Your Stress

A little stress is actually good for you but like anything, too much of something has the reverse effect. Stress that is too much for a person or a community will take a mental, physical, and spiritual toll on your overall health.

2022 How to Set Goals

Are you set for anything that 2022 brings? Here is some inspiration to guide you. What do goals represent? These are representations of your visions about yourself and your future. Goals should be achievable and realistic. These kinds of goals allow you


Be yourself. Your soul will guide you. Learn to listen to you. Many of us open our eyes each day with the assumption that we know the person, staring at us in the mirror & that every action we take as that


Reignite your inner child. Be playful, curious, fun and uncomplicated. We are taught that to grow into adulthood we must lose our sense of childlike rational, that we should become responsible, committed to follow what is socially excepted of us and behave


Consider language. Reflect on the words you choose to use each day. Words hold vibration. Consider the origins of words and & their impact in the human experience. The word is a powerful tool & as beings who use language daily, we


Take care of every aspect of yourself. You are the keeper of your world. We can often lose sight of how critical it is to ensure that we actively contribute towards a highly auspicious physical, emotional & spiritual life for ourselves. In


Cultivate a healthy practice of protecting yourself from energies that are not your own. Living among billions of people we are all bound to experience the transference of energies that are foreign and not necessarily favourable to our being. It’s important to


Grow by seeing that all life circumstances are oppportunities to cultivate the life you want. If you observe nature, it is clear that no matter the circumstances life is everywhere; under harsh conditions or favourable surroundings, in abundant microcosms and macrocosms the
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